Welcome to ParaServer DMQ!
Ressurected from the long-forgotten gibs of yore and a dusty computer from the basement (as well as an archaic website originally designed 15 years ago), ParaServer is proud to host the only surviving "DMQ" variant of Deathmatch Classic following years of nothingness.
Also included in this repository are hundreds of maps and models including many rare and custom creations, which have been inaccessible since all of the original DMC sites shuttered long ago.
To get the best out of your time on ParaServer, please review the information below (the client-side DLL is highly recommended).
Make sure to ENABLE "Raw Mouse Input" in Options > Mouse if your mouse gets stuck when you try to turn.
What Is DMQ?
DMQ ("Deathmatch Quaked") is an independently developed mod for the original Deathmatch Classic that fixes many of the nagging issues that traditional Quakeworld players complained about in Valve's port of the game. Enhancements include:
- Uncapped Movement Speed
- Quakeworld-style Bunnyhopping
- Improved grenade physics
- Increased nail damage
- Ramp jumps
- Multiple game modes including Arena, FFA, Team, CTF and others.
- Customizable options including HUD colors and crosshairs.
- Runes for more interesting matches.
DMQ evolved over time, beginning first with "DMC Pro" by Trendkiller/Zapper/Pix. The engine was significantly improved and expanded upon to be more complete and faithful to Quakeworld by mfrx, and was ultimately dubbed DMQ.
The ParaServer DMQ servers use the latest published version of DMQ2 (Beta 3). A more revamped version, DMQ3, was briefly circulated in 2010-2011 but no copies are known to exist and it was never completed.
What Do I Need to Play DMQ?
Technically, you can connect to any of the DMQ servers through Steam using the vanilla install of Deathmatch Classic. For a casual player this is perfectly sufficient and still gives the benefift of Quake-like movement, improved weapon physics etc. without at all affecting standardd DMC servers.
To truly embrace the complete set of DMQ improvements and make the experience as smooth as possible, you will need to update your client.dll file with the specialized DMQ client DLL.
Download: dmqclient.zip and then refer to the README for complete details and instructions. Essentially you move it to your DMC install folder as follows:
- In your Steam Library, right-click on Deathmatch Classic and select Properties.
- Click on the Local Files tab, and then press the Browse Local Files button.
- In the window that appears, navigate to the "dmc" folder, then to "cl_dlls".
- Rename "client.dll" to "client.dmc" in case you wish to revert back to it.
- Extract the "client.dll" file found in the ZIP above to this "cl_dlls" directory.
Note that this is a safe DLL update and will not conflict with any VAC security etc. when playing on any DMC or DMQ servers. You can always revert back to the standard client DLL if you wish or when playing exclusively on traditional DMC servers.
GAME MODE: Capture the Flag
You can download a complete media pack for all the assets required by Capture the Flag from here. Note that the necessary files should download automatically when you join the CTF server but if for any reason the player models do not reflect the actual team colors etc. you can use this pack.
Copy the packaged folders into your 'dmc' directory or refer to the README file for additional details.
When you launch the game you can select your team (1 - Red, 2 - Blue). You will score 10 points per successfully captured and returned flag.
You can bind a key to "throwflag" in case you ever wish to drop the flag.
You can bind a key to "changeteam" in case you ever wish to change the team during play.
There are also runes that you may come across to give you special powers like low gravity or healing.
You can bind a key to "droprune" in case you ever wish to get rid of your current rune.
You can bindd a key to "+hook" to enable the hook / grapple. If you hook into another person they will lose 50 health.
This is a fast-paced battle mode in which you cannot gain more health but start with all weapons. It is a 1 on 1 battle and then the winner takes on the next opponent. Most matches only last a minute or less.
Type or bind "ready" in the console to mark yourself as available to fight.
Type or bind "break" in the console to mark yourself as not available (spectacte).
This is a warm-up / practice mode that uses only trick and practice maps. It is valuable for practicing bunnyhopping, rocket jumps and other trick manuevers. Many of the maps are very difficult for beginners or those unfamiliar with the Quakeworld/DMQ bunnyhopping process.
If you have the modified client.dll file for DMQ, you can type hud_show_speed 1 in the console to show your current speed as well as additional customization options that are helpful when learning to bunnyhop.
You might wish to also bind "kill" to a key in case you need to ever start from the beginning while on a trick map, since you do not take damage otherwise (except in lava).
I strongly advise you get the DMQ client file if you plan to do trick mode, as it fixes quirks with jumping and the sound effects and will be an overall much better experience with the actual DMQ client.
This is a more serious 1 on 1 gamemode than Arena. You and an opponent face off in a standard 10-minute length match, useful for tournaments.
Unlike Arena, you each start with the basic limited inventory but can collect items along the map (if your opponent doesn't reach them first ;).
Type or bind "ready" in the console to mark yourself as available to fight. You will be placed in warmup mode for a while. After your opponent also readies up the match will commence,
Type or bind "break" in the console to mark yourself as not available (spectate) - this is not recommended when you are in the midddle of a match or the game will end!
A typical every man for himself deathmatch battle mode. Not much to say about this one.
This is a server that pays homage to the original Free-Fall Low Gravity servers that operated for more than a decade and the dozens or original low gravity maps that DiVeBoMbeR and Carbon created.
The server itself is technically standard gravity, but it only features the custom low gravity maps popularized by the Free-Fall server in the early 2000s.
All of my servers have an accompanying HLTV component so you can freely spectate them. You will find them under the "Spectate" tab in the Steam server browser (make sure to filter by Deathmatch Classic; mine are the only ones).
You can say "timeleft" or "nextmap" at any time to see what's next on the docket.
If you wish to call up the map voting feature before the end of the session, you can say "rtv" to rock the vote. If enough others agree then the map voting feature will appear.
To view a list of available maps for the current server, say "listmaps" and the list will appear in your console window.
You can also suggest a map directly by saying "votemap MAPNAME" for others to vote on.
To show various on-screen menus such as spectator navigation, bind a key to "+duck".
Voice chat is only supported on FFA, Tricks, Arena and Free-Fall Servers.
By default, Deathmatch Classic does not bind a key for voice chat. You can enable and test your microphone via Options > Voice and then also bind a key to Use Voice Communication under Keyboard.
If you still experience problems, you should add the following lines to your userconfig.cfg file inside of the "dmc" directory:
voice_enable "1"
voice_forcemicrecord "1"
voice_modenable "1"
voice_scale "1"
volume "1.00000"
Then save and restart your game. Make sure to check the volume in Settings before playing to ensure it is not excessive.
Q: My mouse is locked in one position when I try to turn, and other mouse issues.
A: Under Options > Mouse make sure to ENABLE "Raw Mouse Input" and optionally experiment with "Mouse Filter". Windows 10 in conjunction with the DMQ mod does not
behave well if you have "Raw Mouse Input" disabled if you do not use the custom DMQ client DLL.
Also when using the DMQ client version and depending on your config settings, you may have to toggle your console one time and then hide it again (~ then ESC) when you first enter a server or your mouse will be unresponsive on some configurations. You can bind an unused key to "toggleconsole;wait;cancelselect" and tap it as soon as you enter the game and close the MOTD to fix this quickly, or again simply open console then escape again.
Q: I installed the DMQ client but now when I play on regular DMC servers it is buggy.
A: Due to the improved way that DMQ handles jumping and lightning gun physics, you will experience some issues on traditional DMC servers when running the DMQ client.dll file. Two solutions are provided in the README included in the download. The cleanest method is to use the included batch files to set either DMQ or DMC as the correct DLL before launching the game, based on what server type you plan to play. Alternatively (or in addition) you can create an alias in your config to toggle between the two jump modes in-game, again refer to README for the code.
Q: I can't change my player's colors in the Options.
A: This is a longtime bug introduced during one of Valve's updates. You can still change the colors of the skins (top color and bottom color) but it doesn't show in the Options.
Q: What are some recommended default settings?
A: On a widescreen monitor, I recommend setting your FOV to 110-120 (cl_fov 110 from console). Obviously also set the resolution to your native display resolution (e.g., widescreen 1920x1080).
To bind RIGHT MOUSE to switch to the lightning gun and immediately fire, then switch back to rocket launcher add the following script to your userconfig.cfg (you can adjust the sensitivity to your liking but the second line sensitivty should match your mouse sensitivity):
alias "+electric" "sensitivity 5.0;wait;slot8;+attack"
alias "-electric" "-attack;wait;slot7;wait;sensitivity 7"
bind "MOUSE2" "+electric"
To bind MOUSE 5 button to switch to the grenade launcher, fire a grenade, andd then switch back to rocket launcher, add the following to your userconfig.cfg:
alias gren "slot6;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;slot7"
bind "MOUSE5" gren
You can adjust various visual annd network settings by adding the following to your userconfig.cfg, note that some such as hud_show_speed etc. require the DMQ client DLL:
brightness "1.000000"
cl_allowdownload "1"
cl_allowupload "1"
cl_backspeed "800.000000"
cl_cmdbackup "2"
cl_cmdrate "50"
cl_dlmax "1024"
cl_download_ingame "1"
cl_forwardspeed "800.000000"
cl_himodels "1"
cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"
cl_lc "1"
cl_lw "1"
cl_showfps "0"
cl_timeout "60"
cl_updaterate "50"
cl_vsmoothing "0.05"
con_color "255 155 50"
console "1.0"
crosshair "1.000000"
fps_max "100.0"
fps_modem "0.0"
fps_override "1"
gamma "2.500000"
gl_dither "1"
gl_flipmatrix "0"
gl_monolights "0"
gl_overbright "0"
gl_polyoffset "-0.001"
hud_blue "0"
hud_green "255"
hud_red "0"
hud_show_speed "1"
hud_speed_x "470"
hud_speed_y "10"
net_graph "0"
r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0"
r_detailtextures "1"
rate "20000"
viewsize "120.000000"
I recommend disabling view bobbing and so forth by adding the following to your userconfig.cfg:
cl_rollangle "0"
cl_rollspeed "0"
cl_bob "0.0"
cl_bobup "0.0"
cl_bobcycle "0.0"
Recent Site / Server Updates
Nearly a year later and after an unfortunate server malfunction last time (and lack fof time to resolve), the ParaServer DMQ servers are officially restored and back online! This was inspired by a recent online campaign to set a new record in DMC for most simultaneous players, set to commence on March 31 at 17:45 UTC.
In adddition to Tricks, FFA, CTF, Duel and Arena, I've added a sixth server in homage to the original Free-Flight low gravity servers, which use exclusively low gravity maps as well as the hook mod. Also HLTV servers for all (under "Spectate" menu in Steam). |
The previous incarnation of this page was last updated 11 years ago. It was not a server page but just a general repository of DMC information. I dusted off the old site files, rebuilt a computer from that era, scavanged through all my archival files from years gone by and consequently ressurceted this as a repository plus DMQ servers. The last DMQ server went under years ago. |